File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil

, موقع طلبات الزواج , تعارف الجزائريين , طلبات الزواج للجزائريين , أرقام هواتف , اميلات بنات ,صور الحب , , ازياء و اناقة , نتائج التعليم , وظائف , زواج و تعارف ,مسلسلات تركية , رومانسية, الثقافة الجنسية ,طلبات الزواج للعرب
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 File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
أمــيرة الجزائر
مـالـكـة المنتـدى
مـالـكـة المنتـدى
أمــيرة الجزائر

دولتي : الجزائر
مزاجي : عاشقة
مشاركاتي : 3400
نقاطي : 7235
تميزي : 142
تاريخ تسجيلي : 08/03/2011
عمري : 33
تاريخ ميلادي : 27/05/1991

جنسي جنسي : انثى

File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil   File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 22 يوليو 2013 - 0:09

Allah says in Surat Al-Nur:

} God is light, the heavens and the earth, such as light كمشكاة the lamp in the bottle like a planet Dre pours from a blessed tree olive tree does not east and west almost its oil shines though not تمسسه fire Noor Noor Allah guides to the light of wills and hits God parables for mankind and God's knowledge of all things { In Surat believers} and graduated from tree Mount Sinai to sprout oil and relish for the eaters {, and Allah says in Sura figs:}, figs, olives {.
The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him: "oil Aútdmoa and ادهنوا it is a blessed tree," narrated by Ibn Majah

And uses olive medical benefits:

If you drink hot water colic housing.

- Colon addresses.

- Expels worms.

- Heartbreaking gravel and kidney fit.

- Congestion lives joints.

- Handles back pain.

- Prevents graying and fit and prevents hair fall.

- Cut mold and tightens members.

- الاكتحال it off whiteness and limit sight.

- Benefit from scabies Thrush.

How to distinguish between original and olive oil adulterated?

Original olive oil have a dark green color and knowable practical test is simple and fast, as follows:

- Put a teaspoon of olive oil on your palm and rub hands well and rapid movement for a minute

After almost smell the olive oil if you feel heat and a strong odor in your hand be olive pray.

How do we keep olive oil?

- Affect air and moisture and sunlight negatively in olive oil when it is stored, So home Valawana not suitable,

However, if the drapes to prevent exposure to light oil.

- Must adjust the temperature olive stored between 10 - 15 ° C, because high temperature

Oils and fats are self-oxidation, which increases حموضتها, and spoil installed, translated into toxic substances

Adversely affect the liver, kidneys and blood vessels.

Olive oil is not fit to boil?

The olive oils with high the uncle saturation temperature that causes exposure to oxidation at a time

Very short .. Not to mention the rapid decomposition and hydrolysis during use in boiling.

Therefore فزيت the olives invalid boil, even if used once or twice, food properties weaken .. As

Because repetition boiling may تسلبه its distinctive qualities.

The characteristics and qualities of olive oil:

- Extra virgin oil (Squeeze first): extract of the best types of hand-picked olive

Private or small machine .. This type characterized by low acidity it .. Tastes good and preferably

Used in salads, and above food dishes, not in favor of boiling because it is fast combustion.

- The second type of quality: color tend to yellowing and high acidity which is used safely in boiling.

- Virgin olive oil: results from re olives again over the heat source, and in

Many factories and is ideal for cooking and boiling.

It seems that every olive tree (leaves and twigs) nuclei grain and glue all useful, but not limited

Tuck only on oil.

Olive oil .. And great benefits

The researchers explained that the olive oil of the richest food sources of antioxidants Alteetmts the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays.

On the more of olive Foaúdzi, showed the results of a new study published in the European Journal of Ngvehaseraria, that eating one tablespoon of fresh olive oil helps to reduce Mistoaatalchollstrul in the blood, which contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis and damaged.

And Ojaddalbageson at the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain, that adults who ate 35 Mlatra or about tablespoons of olive oil, fresh daily for a week, Ozarwamala less oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL), due to the presence of higher levels of Antrbatallamadadh antioxidant especially phenols, in the blood.

The scientists that Amadadataloxdh prevent occurrence of damage oxidative cells and tissues, which is caused by the Nchataldzeiat harmful known Bahawadr oxygen free resulting from operations Alehioahtabieih in the body, pointing out that the oxidation process lipoprotein low-density (LDL), causes hardening of the arteries and Tadhagaha which increases the risk of disease attack.

And Aryalbageson that these discoveries explain the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet rich Bzitalzaton, fruits, vegetables, grains and a little meat and saturated fat on blood Kulbualoaah.

Studies have recorded the presence of lower rates of countries injuries Kulbahfa the Mediterranean Sea, such as Italy and Spain, where the population consumes More one-third of their calories of Cmakiat rich in fatty acids, mono-gratification, which helps to reduce the levels of total cholesterol and bad. The researchers said that each olive Onoaazit represent good sources of fats, mono-gratification, but that the First Tazjihtoa type high levels of antioxidants, especially الفنيولات and vitamin E, because it is not exposed to a lot of processing operations.

The researchers believe that this Alentaújtdam the idea that the daily consumption of fresh olive oil may reduce expose Alkolstrulalsai to oxidation processes, noting that the compounds Alphenjul anti-oxidants found Red Faanb and onions, has proven positive impact in controlling cholesterol.

To study the effects of olive oil on cholesterol levels in the blood, Qamalbageson follow-up cases of 16 people, they were asked not to eat foods that contain Alymrkpat phenol such as vegetables, coffee, tea, grapes for four days, then take 50 ml of olive oil, fresh, or about 3.3 tablespoons, alone or with baking fifth Faaleom, to avoid Foods phenol again for twenty-four hours Altalahthm eat their genitive normal food 25 ml of olive oil day for Mdhosbua, to stay away from fatty foods such as butter oil, obesity and cooking, Alotamaalemczuah and eggs.

When analyzing blood samples drawn from participants before Aldrashokhlalha, showing the presence of higher levels of phenolic compounds, vitamin E antioxidant, Vidmaúhm after a week of eating olive oil, as was the level of oleic acid, a Alhamadaldhenne mono is saturation prevailing in olive oil, top, has تصاحبت all Hzhalngarat with a slower rate of oxidation of bad cholesterol

Olive uses and benefits of medical

1. Securities clutch impact and effect sterile, and boiled leaves a strong used كخافض the heat as well as the tree has an impact peel antipyretic.
2. Olive paper contains natural compounds which kill microbes and اجناسا the viruses and fungi.
4. Olive paper addresses the disease caused by a virus called Herbs.
5. Olive paper helps to relieve the symptoms of patients with HIV is _ no _ olive paper strengthens the immune system and gives body المؤونة and ammunition to fight infections.
6. Struggling paper olive weakness and fatigue bodies, and the pains that are caused by chronic diseases and serious like AIDS, cancers, and the pleasure of living patient, struggling viruses that cause these diseases in two ways, first: be by preventing the proliferation of viruses, and the second one: by stimulate and activate the immune system to produce special cells fight viruses.
7. Paper olives used in the treatment of disease, cold and flu, which can not be treated with anti-inflammatory.
8. Olive oil and olive paper is useful for heart disease where the animal studies demonstrate that lowers blood pressure and lowers cholesterol.
9. Olive oil unrelenting nature.
10. Smoothes the skin and face, and it is used in the manufacture of edible oils and face creams and soaps.
11. Fat in olive oil removes itching and handling break skin, السماط and التهاباتها, handles crimping and burns, and the fire burns and burns heatstroke
12. Olive oil is used by the addition of medicines and drugs to him in skin treatments and fat, olive oil and strengthens the hair and gives it the brightest and active
13. Boiling olive paper helps in reducing the level of blood sugar.
14. Addresses muscle spasm disease, arthritis and pain.
15. Olive oil diuretic also helps to remove sand and gravel from the kidneys through urine.
16. Addresses olive oil Thoracic and used in disease typhoid, scarlet fever, and plague.
17. Olive oil is used in enemas.
18. Scientific research proved the benefit of olive oil in the fight against cancer.
19. Olive oil and olives strengthens the eyesight and prevents night blindness, including addition of vitamin A, and prevents eyelids relaxant.
20. Tonic for sexual energy as it contains vitamin A. E.

After eating the Prophet and God for breakfast remains even emptied from the Asr prayer, then takes fill Watering (almost fill tablespoon) of olive oil and the points of vinegar with barley bread crumb, which is equivalent to the palm of the hand

Has reported some verses some of the benefits of olive oil as the Almighty says: blessed olive tree neither eastern nor western oil is almost glows
And also says: figs and olives

Science has proved to talk that there are many types of cancer such as cancer of the bone (Srkuma) Use olive oil for treatment, was supported by modern medicine in his discoveries that olive oil contains fatty acids and a single saturation means unsaturated, and therefore world says Andrea Lowell: It is found experimentally that Olive oil dissolves the fat and this is the power of God, the fat melts the fat, he is treated with that fat fat because it has to be mounted on the (omega-3) with a large number of omega-3 fat addressed.

Also been scientifically proven that olive oil protects against atherosclerosis disease and Alzheimer's is a disease, dementia and memory impairment and brain wasted
The world's Andrea Lowell was able to prove how the olive oil to intervene in the infected cell cancer and dealt with and affect them, and word description {dye eaters}
That came in the Quran as chromosomes الكرموسومات the
He described the cancer as widening between cells per bit, and proved that olive oil is narrowing the widening and keeps the spaces between cells.

Here are manifested the power of God Almighty in his selection of food Nabih was the Prophet, peace be upon him and his family and handed dunks bread crumb vinegar and olive oil and eat

It was discovered by modern science that vinegar resulting from the digestion of carbohydrates in the body is a composite acetic name (أسيتو Estate) and fat turn into أسيتو Estate remains the composite average of fats, carbohydrates and protein is vinegar, when eating vinegar and the occurrence of any shortage of these materials gives vinegar compensate for this shortfall, modern science shows that olive oil with vinegar are based compound dissolving fat high-density deposited in the arteries causing hardening.

So scientists launched with olive oil, vinegar (Bulldozer arteries) because it is based clean arteries of high-density lipids, which may lead to hardening of the arteries.

And not only the task of vinegar to dissolve fat, but the olive with melted compound converts fat into fat simple easy entry into the metabolism of the body to benefit them,

Then after that addresses the Prophet and the God of peace and his lunch was dealing with carrot red from which sprout in the Arabian Peninsula, has proved modern science evidence and experience that the islands Red has a (Onoudidat), one of the things that inhibit the work of the causes of cancer, as demonstrated Modern medicine that helps the growth of islands DNA and genetic factors, and this divine miracles, so a lot of doctors recommend eating carrots as a source of vitamin A and a source of renewed DNA genetic factors, it also delays the appearance of gray hair.

Dinner Prophet, peace be upon him and his family and him

The Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace and blessings after the end of evening prayers and redundancy and tendon before entering in the night, he was eating a meal third day a dinner, and they contain milk yogurt with a piece of rye bread, has proven modern science that eating a glass of milk at dinner robe works to melt the waste remaining in the colon thick, and is analyzed to simple compounds facilitates the utilization of their existing and vitamins.

There have been some scientific studies have shown the benefits of milk, yoghurt when eating at night, it makes the unwanted sediment disintegrate and benefit the body.

This miracle in addressing the Prophet and his family and peace for this meal the night meal dinner important and necessary, quick digestion, and make the digestive system works efficiently, so there are a number of doctors always prescribe for their patients milk yogurt at night for dinner because it is convenient for colon and does not cause stomach cramps,

And confirmed this information medical study conducted by Dr. Abdul Baset Sayyid Mohammed in his hospitalization by food prophet in which he explained that most of the food the Prophet and his family has two aspects of interest, along with the nutritional value by supplying the body and corroborated by modern science, and the prevention of disease, and this but indicates the divine miracles in the selection of the Lord of the Worlds for food Nabih Mstafah the master of creation wholes may God bless him and God.

In the end, do not have the only say on the basis of the verse: Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family peace and a good example ... If we look good, we find that the Prophet was the best example to us in his food and drank his clothing, he was a role model and a teacher of mankind, scientists have helpless with his knowledge and eloquence exceeded rhetoricians and writers, was the if occur sincerity and utter passion ... If we think well sayings of the Prophet about the food we found it told us thousands of years, including modern science could not discovered

A number of research scientists in this field authored several books bearing the secrets of food prophetic and prevention of diseases through the year, such as prophetic medicine and Reflections on the life of the Prophet and other books by the analysis and detail of this aspect of the lives of creatures Mohammed Sayed Allah bless him and his family and him modern science will continue to explore in the prophetic these secrets to the Hour

Treatment of burns with olive oil and honey

Treatment of burns with olive oil and honey
Taken half a kilogram of pure Sbidaj (which uses beautification e)

Type the first olive oil a large amount Cup

Net amount of beeswax 30 grams

Half a cup of coffee natural honey

For Hudayr recipe: You must put oil on the fire of her Dih very After Heat oil slightly put beeswax and stir until it melts and then add Sbidaj while continuing stirring well with a note that the addition of Sbidaj must be made little by little we continue stirring until the mixture becomes a cohesive little remove from heat with continued stirring.

We have consists of This mixture ointment benefit Kthsra in Maljh burns all types and protects from burns deformities

This trait proven much and Faltha proved much ..

Note: sepia must be pure and soft and non together to c labs

The olive oil is a high degree of quality

The olive oil is a high degree of quality is an important factor helps to slow down the appearance of cancer on the skin thereby reducing the size of cancerous tumors if they spread on the skin.

And olive oil, can not lead to harm, God willing, he is also a skin moisturizer as it protects him from a lot of incidental or incurable diseases such as skin cancer.

It must be squeezed olive oil first.

Dandruff troubling diseases, radical and difficult treatment

Dandruff diseases disturbing and difficult treatment root, they even got her treatment, soon back again after a few months if not a few weeks, and attribute some of the type of water used in the shower or the amount of fat in the scalp or hair type, or Maintaining one's head cover .. But they are small chips of dead skin on the scalp, and can be accompanied by inflammation of the skin and in this case the hair becomes dry or oily and Atqcef unobtrusive manner.

Plants for the treatment of dandruff

Been experimenting with henna as a treatment for crust if you put on the head for a long time after the fermented Holding the material or disinfectants that contain works to purify the scalp of parasites and excess secretion of fat, as well as the good effect against dandruff and inflammation of the head differences, if any.

Olive oil, it has a significant impact on the health of hair in general, and heal the scalp and fight dandruff in particular, as it is covered by the scalp at night for ten days and are covered by this part of the head during the night, and wash off in the early morning, and بالمداومة it will feel the patient the itching caused by dandruff has disappeared or diminished significantly.

* There is a mixture of ground bay leaf with henna and Paper Seder ground, with half a lemon with picture, and the reservation so that in addition to water and used several times.

* To fight dandruff can use gas soap and olive oil soap in the shower and wash your head.

Treatment of dry skin with olive oil

Placed combination of Avokato and olive oil on the face for 10 minutes and then washed.

Medicine love:

Rub the skin with a mixture of olive oil (150 ml) and ten points of lavender

Olive oil contains vitamin D which

God said the olive tree and its oil in the Quran .. As mentioned by the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said, "eat olives and ادهنوا the" so some doctors recommend mothers to feed their babies with thyme oil and bread because they contain all the elements needed for the development of children's bodies tender and soft and strengthen their memory.

Olive oil contains vitamin D, which protects children from the evil of rickets and arched legs, and gives the facial redness and brighter, and longer opening of appetite, so it is noted that the people of Syria put beads of olive within which offers appetizers before the main meal

Addresses the muscles and limbs affected by rheumatism Ptdena oil

Addresses the muscles and limbs affected by rheumatism Ptdena juniper oil

Three times a day for several weeks.

Rheumatic arthritis .. Health and medicine:

Massaged joints chrysanthemum flowers oil .. The oil is made by adding the amount of capital

Yellow flowers enough to flooding of the olive oil in a sealed bottle.

And placed in the sun for two weeks and then filtered with the age of a piece of cloth flowers

Mays recipe for hemorrhoids

Boil the amount of ghost Chamomile Pfnjanin of olive oil

Boil the amount of ghost Chamomile Pfnjanin of olive oil until it becomes

Chamomile, such as coal, and then filtered, and the anus first washed with hot water

Then dried Vidhen this oil anus twice daily, preferably taking the pill

Baraka and sugar with each time by half a teaspoon.

* Reduce the intake of fat, being careful to continuously exercise, eat a healthy diet rich in vegetables and fruit leads to a reduction of fat in the skin secretion, and thus reduce the likelihood of the crust and the risks.

Known that the oxidation of LDL cholesterol is important in causing atherosclerosis

It is known that the oxidation of LDL cholesterol is important in causing hardening of the arteries narrowed after

Recent studies have shown that olive oil is a vital and active role in preventing that process because it contains

Vitamin (E) known to turn the anti-oxidant and contains polyurethane compounds Mathol and then

Can prevent God after the incidence of atherosclerosis

توقيع أمــيرة الجزائر
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil الخبر اليومي , الشروق اليومي , الشروق الجزائرية , جريدة الشروق , النهار الجديد , الفجر , صوت الأحرار , البلاد , الشاهد , زنقتنا ,عجيبة, من , الخيال , الشخصيات , التي , نادت , الحرية , بالحرية , معلم , الاخبار العاجلة , الصف, السنة , التعليمية , على, اعلى ,معدل, نتائج , الموضوع, موضوع , حصري , حصريا , العامة, في بي , فني , ابداع , تصميم , سيو , ترددات, قنوات , قصة , شفرات , فهرسة , احلام , المراة, متصفح , شهر , جانفي , المزيد , المسلمة , صورة , صور, تصوير, التحميل , حمل , تحميل , مجانا , الموقع , المواقع , موقع , منتدى , منتديات , المنتديات , المنتدى , مدونة , مدونات , بحث , البحث , بحوث , ابحث , الارشفة , ارشفة , تتارشف , نشر , , وظائف عمومية , المساء , النصر , المستقبل العربي , آخر ساعة , المشوار السياسي , , File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil الأيام , اليوم , الجزائر نيوز , الهداف , الشباك , الميدان , ماتش , الخبر الرياضي , Liberté , صوت الغرب , , دليل , جوجل ادسنس , جوجل السعودية , الثورات العربية , بحث جوجل , ترايدنت , مشرفي المواقع , العاب فلاش , تبادل الزوار , جديد , الخوصصة والبنود , الجديدة , اخبار الرياضة , ثورة 25 يناير , اخبار مصر , اخبار السعودية , www , اخبار اليوم , اخبار عاجلة , بحث عن , Egypt , اخبار , نتائج الطلاب , منتدى , منتديات حواء , ترجمة , جوجل كروم 2014 , تحميل , اللغة العربية , مواقع تحميل , نتائج , الثانوية العامة ,الامتحان ,التعليمي ,العلوم ,الكيمياء ,نتيجة الامتحان , اسطوانة تعليمية شاملة , منهج , الصف الاول الثانوى , المجاهد , الشعب, chorouk , , File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil الصحف الجزائرية , الشروق أون لاين , النهار , الفجر , الخبر, مناهج ودروس تعليمية , من الحضانة حتى الجامعة , مذكرة تعليم التسجيل , ترايد , ترى , ترايدنت , ترايديل , ترايدرم , ترايكتينترايوسيبت , ترامادول , تردد , ترجمة , تفسير , تويتر, ترايفل , ترافيان , ترانيم, تفسير , تحميل , توفيق , اخر الاخبار المصرية من قلب الحدث اخبار الرياضة منوع العاب , ألعاب , لعبة , لعبه , لعب , تحميل , تنزيل , نزل , حمل , رفع , صور , جوال , موبايل , محمول , ثيمات , خلفيات , كود ارشفة محركات البحث , 6600 , نوكيا , سامسونج , احدث , اقوي , افضل , منتدي , الجيل الثالث , منتديات , موضوع , موضوعات , 7610 , مجانا , , الهداف , File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil الثورات,العربية, الجزائر, مصر , مغربية , جروب , قروب , كومبيوتر , برامج نت , كراك , مولد ارقام , كراكات , سيريال , حاسب الي , القمر , تقنية , شباب , بنات , ماسنجر , تعارف , مسنجر , مصر , عرب , العرب , عربي , مصري , دردشة , مسابقات , الغاز , جوائز , رياضة , بلايستيشن , بلاي ستيشن , فلاش , فلاشات , سويتش , تصميم , جرافيك , فوتوشوب , الفوتوشوب , دروس , شروحات , طريقة , ستايلات , فلاتر , فلتر , بلوتوث , مقاطع , اسلام , اسلامي , دين , مرأة , اغاني , الاغاني , أغاني , alragib ياهو , جوجل , مايكروسوفت , google , msn , yahoo , games , download , free , arab , arabic , nokia , forum , chat , photoshop , USA , arab news , ليبيا ,السعودية, قطر, الامارات, الولاياتالمتحدة, ايران, الاردن, اليمن, تونس, المغرب, موريتانيا, الصحف, الجرائدالجزائرية , File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil , مشاهدة مباراة , اخبار الرياضة , منتدى الوظيف العمومي , ,اخر الاخبار , اخبار التعليم اعلانات, تبادل اعلاني, تطوير مواقع, ستايلات مجانية, استايلات مجانيه, ستايلات مجانيه, إستضافه, إستضافة, استضافة, استضافه, دعم فني, دعم منتديات, شروحات, برامج, برمجة, تصاميم مجانية, تصميم, تمبلت, تعريب, هاكات, نسخ منتديات, استايلات , بكالوريا الجزائر , , الصحف الجزائرية , بحث , , تعليم , كتاب , , File a comprehensive treatment with olive oil echoroukonline , الجرائد الجزائرية , اخبار الجزائر , اخبار التوظيف 2013 / 2014 , توظيف وعمل , echorouk , رايدرم , ترايكتينترايوسيبت , ترامادول , تردد , ترجمة , تفسير , تويتر, ترايفل , ترافيان , ترانيم, تفسير , تحميل , توفيق , اخر الاخبار المصرية من قلب الحدث اخبار الرياضة منوع العاب , ألعاب , لعبة , لعبه , لعب , تحميل , تنزيل , نزل , حمل , رفع , صور , جوال , موبايل , محمول , ثيمات , خلفيات , كود ارشفة محركات البحث , 6600 , نوكيا , سامسونج , احدث , اقوي , افضل , منتدي , منتديات , موضوع , موضوعات , 7610 , مجانا , بالمجان مكتوب , الجزيرة , جواب , بريد , ايميل , دليل , سباق , معرض , مكتبة , الصور, صورة , صور, تصوير, التحميل , حمل , تحميل , مجانا , الموقع , المواقع , موقع , منتدى , منتديات , , جديد مسابقات الوظيفة العمومية , الوظيف العمومي ,
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